Here are some of our favorite WordPress plugins to install when approaching new WordPress site builds.
Block Visibility
This is an essential plugin for sites that rely mainly on the Full Site Editor and Gutenberg.
Two Factor
Given how many bots target the WordPress login page, having multifactor authenticatoin for admin accounts is an absolute must.
A Cache Plugin
Most sites will need some kind of caching. The one chosen largely depends on your webhost and webserver stack though. Otherwise, some good choices include LiteSpeed Cache for LiteSpeed enabled webservers and Cache Enabler for webhosts that dont provide built in caching.
Site Healthcheck and Troubleshooting
This is a useful plugn that can help prevent minor errors from piling up into a major issue. It also includes a useful troubleshooting mode for identifying problem plugins.
Safe SVG
Because WordPress still doesn’t include native support for SVG files…
The SEO Framework
A great, lightweight SEO plugin that gives most sites what they need to increase search engine visibility without sacrificing performance or filling the admin dashboard with ads.
WP Code Snippets / WPCode
Many plugins can be repalced by a code snippet or two, and these plugins add a lot of convenience to the process. Be aware, with this type of plugin you must keep your administraor accounts secure due to the security risk of having the ability to rune executable code from your admin panel. Otherwise, its better to make a custom functionality plugin and put your code snippets in there. Note that WPCode is a newer plugin with a nicer interface than Code Snippets, though it has a lot of ads and upsells.
An SMTP Plugin
Because WordPress still doesn’t include native SMTP email support. Some of my favorites include PostMark and WP Mail SMTP
Sucuri Security
Some webhosts provide their own security plugins or explicity advise against using one. Outside of those situations, Sucuri is a great lightweight plugin that provides more than enough hardening for most lightweight sites.
Post Types Order
Allows for drag and drop ordering of posts and pages from the admin dashboard.
Post Type Switcher
For sites with custom post types, this plugin is a great tool to have during development and is also useful for content editors.
Contact Form 7 + Flamingo
A true O.G. WordPress plugin combo from Takayushi Miyigo providing a great way to build a simple forms.
Debug Bar (Development Only)
A great development tool with lots of features to help with custom development.
Query Monitor (Development Only)
A great development plugin that can help identify resource hogging plugins and troubling database queries.